22 May, 2014

ACE Highlight: Twitter

This entry was originally posted on the AnimalCharityEvaluators.org blog. It is reposted here for reference only.

This blog post is a part of our ACE Highlight series. Every other Thursday we feature current, relevant, and engaging topics from the ACE website.

This Week's ACE Highlight: Twitter

As animal charity evaluators, we always have a lot to say about what's best for helping animals. Sometimes, though, we like to keep it short.

Case in point: the @AnimalCharityEv Twitter account.
If you don’t already follow us on twitter, you should. We share stories and pictures of interest to anyone who cares about helping animals effectively. When it comes to news about effective altruism for animal advocacy, you can be sure that we’ll tweet it, retweet it, or otherwise talk about it on Twitter.
You can browse through a list of other effective altruism organizations, read through conversations we have with the public, or even check out photos and videos we’ve posted on social media.
ACE also has a presence on Facebook, G+, and LinkedIn. Are there any other social media platforms you’d like us to be on?

01 May, 2014

ACE Highlight: Conversations & Interviews

This entry was originally posted on the AnimalCharityEvaluators.org blog. It is reposted here for reference only.

This Week's ACE Highlight: Conversations & Interviews

This blog post is a part of our ACE Highlight series. Every other Thursday we feature current, relevant, and engaging topics from the ACE website.
ACE offers a wealth of content, including charity reviews, intervention research, and resources for charities, donors, and volunteers alike. Yet in order to learn as an organization and improve the advice we give, it’s important to sometimes get an outside view to supplement our data.

That’s why we debuted our Conversations & Interviews page last March. Periodically, we conduct interviews and hold conversations with advocacy organization leaders, charity representatives, influential funders, academic researchers, and other experts. These interviews offer unique outside perspectives on our mission.

Our first interview was with Matt Ball, who co-founded and served as executive director of Vegan Outreach for over twenty years. His critique of research in animal advocacy and the motivations of animal activists generated discussion on our blog.

Our first conversation was with Elie Hassenfeld, co-founder and co-executive director of GiveWell. Elie spoke with ACE Board Chair Simon Knutsson on ACE’s vision, and helped us to better understand how we can accomplish our mission.

In addition, our Conversations & Interviews page links to fascinating discussions outside of ACE, such as GiveWell’s informal conversation on industrial agriculture with ACE Executive Director Jon Bockman, as well as ARZone’s podcast interview with Jon last month.

What kind of content would you like to see added to the Conversations & Interviews page? Do you have a potential interviewee in mind? You can be part of the discussion as well! Comment on our blog and visit our Facebook page.