01 July, 2005

My Twenty-Fourth Birthday

I turn 24 today. My 23rd birthday was the first time I ever felt like having a birthday was a good thing. Today, I feel simultaneously much worse yet also much better. I get to spend my birthday with family. For the first time in years.

I feel sick.

I haven't responded to comments or others' articles or journals, though I really want to. There's just so little time. Work here is long and hard, and I rarely get a chance to work online at all.



Am I morally culpable for acts I don't consider normatively wrong, even if I recognize they are socially incorrect?

I don't even know what I would like the answer to that question to be, let alone do I even come close to knowing the answer. You people are smart. What do you think?

Currently Reading: Plato VII Thaeetetus Sophist Loeb Classi

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